
Rising Hope Clinical is a leader in behavioral healthcare for the southeast and the surrounding region. We provide comprehensive, high quality, cost effective treatment, rehabilitation, advocacy and support for recovery, primarily to persons most in need, to enhance the quality of their lives.

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Rising Hope Clinical Assistance  >  Mental Health   >  7 Reasons You Should Practice Work Life Balance Now

7 Reasons You Should Practice Work Life Balance Now

Increased Productivity

Setting goals for yourself in the workplace can increase levels of productivity. You’ll have a clearer vision on what tasks need to be done or what your ultimate goals are. Thus, creating a healthy balance in accomplishing those tasks instead of bringing work home.


Decreased Levels of Stress

A good work life balance will eventually decrease high levels of stress. Your goal setting and successful completion of deadlines, as well as your ability to maintain solid connections in the workplace and at home give you the confidence you need to lead a healthier and happier life.


Improved Health

A great way in reducing stress is exercise. Employees who gets at least 30 minutes of exercise a day has less of a risk of getting sick and missing workdays, which also ties into increasing productivity levels.


Greater Commitment

When you’re able to balance both your work and personal life, you are more likely to have a better relationship with the two. Your commitment to your work improves because you are not burdening yourself with too many tasks and able to be efficient with more important projects. Your personal life can also improve because you are better committed to your physical, mental and emotional well being and this can enhance your personal relationship with others.


Enjoy Work More

Part of maintaining a good work life balance is also sustaining healthy relationships with colleagues. One of the best ways to boost morale is to get to know your coworkers in a non-stressful capacity by occasionally participating in company outings. Whether it’s an extravagant event, happy hour, or a holiday party, you can always use that as time to re-connect with your colleagues. This ultimately makes returning back to the office much more enjoyable when you have stories and experiences you’ve shared with your co-workers.


More Free Time

Work life balance allows you to not just be more efficient at work, or maintain good personal relationships, but allows you to have more free time to take care of yourself. A simple walk in the park, a nice coffee run, or a local weekend getaway could be just what you need to recharge for work and reconnect with colleagues, friends and family.


No More FOMO

Because you’re able to have your work and personal life in balance, you don’t have a fear missing out. You’ve established solid foundations with colleagues, friends, and family that you are able to equally enjoy your time in any capacity.

Whether you're a receptionist or lawyer, a good work life balance is necessary for leading a healthier and happier life. Following practical steps of getting more exercise, participating in occasional team outings, spending time with friends or family, or just going solo can be the thing you need to balance your life and reduce stress.